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Mayer Hawthorne continues his rise w/ his St. Andrew's Show.

In what was a quiet holiday time period for shows, one show seemed to gather all the buzz during that time period. Mayer Hawthorne’s show at the Magic Stick attracted hipsters and just curious people alike to see what the big deal was with the blue-eyed soul that Hawthorne was giving to the fans.

Raised in Ann Arbor, but the 30 year old Hawthorne now resides in Los Angeles and is enjoying much critical acclaim for his album, “A Strange Arrangement”. The album is a breath of fresh air to say the least; gone are the auto-tune’d out vocals and dime-a-dozen hip-hop beats that dominate much of R&B and Top 40 music today. Hawthorne’s sound is straight out of the classic soul of the 1970’s.

The album is lead by the soulful throwback “Just Not Gonna Work Out”, in which is probably the best encapsulation of Hawthorne’s voice. Other gems that definitely take listeners back to the 70’s include “Love Is Alright” and “Maybe So, Maybe No”. This is music that has more in common with classic Motown sounds, and far less with popular music today, and that is always far from a bad thing.

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